Faith/Religion Search Index

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Formerly Jailed Nicaraguan Bishop Speaks a Year Later: ‘Faith and Hope Work Miracles’

4+ hour, 7+ min ago — 

...The exiled bishop spoke to the Spanish newspaper La Tribuna de Albacete... ...Monsignor Rolando Álvarez, the bishop of the diocese of Matagalpa... ...In the letter Patris Corde, Pope Francis reflects that, in every... Mary at the Annunciation and Jesus in Gethsemane,” Álvarez...


What Verses Anxious Bible Readers Turned to in 2024

4+ week, 16+ hour ago — 

..., manager of a Christian bookstore outside Wichita, Kansas,... ...The Wall Street Journal reported this month that publishers and book... ..., Nigeria, Netherlands, Mexico, Kenya, Indonesia, India, Guatemala... ...other countries: United Kingdom, Spain, South Africa, Philippines...


Repeat the Sounding Joy—Until it Becomes Habit

3+ week, 4+ day ago — 

...Andi Thacker, a Licensed Professional Counselor and professor at... ...Dallas Theological Seminary, explained in an interview that the way... ...Shena Ashcraft is a ThM student at Dallas Theological Seminary and... ...Interview by Josh Jeter The Bulletin talks about Russia, antisemitism...


God Redeems Even as Wildfires Spread

8+ hour, 31+ min ago — 

...For the past 14 years, I have taught at Fuller Theological Seminary... ...Instead, God speaks through the prophet Isaiah with this message:... ...Jost Zetzsche and Ruth Anna Spooner You don’t need to know the language... ...the Center for Advanced Theological Studies; and associate professor...


Malcolm Hoenlein: Connecting to our Jewish past and future

9+ hour, 11+ min ago — 

..."TALX" with Alex Traiman and guest Malcolm Hoenlein Join Malcolm... ...Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman for an enlightening conversation...

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[Catholic Caucus] Traditional Mass and many vocations? For Francis, it means forced resignation!

10+ hour, 35+ min ago — 

...Pope Francis removes TLM-friendly bishop from the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon... ...of the French diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, ordered by Pope Francis,... ...of Marseille, Jean-Marc Aveline.... ...Thomas Aquinas and the School of Salamanca, reaching up to the Austrian...

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[Catholic Caucus] Francis' Autobiography "Hope" is Hopeless on the Traditional Latin Mass: Same old, same old, same old, same old...

10+ hour, 50+ min ago — 

...[Catholic Caucus] Francis' Autobiography "Hope" is Hopeless on the... ...repeats them on his new autobiography "Hope", released today by Random House...


An Imam at the Inaugural

22+ hour, 26+ min ago — 

...and just have a brisk businesslike swearing-in on the Rio Grande... ...president....

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[Catholic Caucus] My Catholic Life! Confronting the Evil One - Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - Catholic Caucus/Devotional...

12+ hour, 28+ min ago — 

...his fellow demons is to rebuke them with the authority of Christ Jesus... ...of Nazareth?... ...But when the evil one is confronted with the pure presence of Christ... ...Jesus, I trust in You....


Environmental radicals apparently desecrate Charles Darwin's grave at world-famous Christian church

13+ hour, 31+ min ago — 

...In her statement, Bligh, a former chief executive of Reading Council... ...Alyson Lee and 77-year-old Di Bligh — allegedly began spray-painting... ...figures, including Darwin, writers Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles... ...Dickens, and crowned heads like Henry V, Elizabeth I, and Mary, Queen...